lewes refugee support group

LEWES refugee support group

Lewes Refugee Support Group (formerly known as LOSRAS) is a local charity based in Lewes, East Sussex, founded in 2002, and run entirely by volunteers. We are committed to supporting the cause of people seeking sanctuary through raising awareness, campaigning and responding to local need.

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LOSRAS - 003A6354

SUPPOrting the welfare of
refugees & people seeking asylum in the Lewes District and beyond

We opposed the previous government’s hostile environment policy and its fundamentally racist and unjust attitude towards vulnerable people and we will campaign to do all we can to promote racial justice and to counter racism in all its forms. Learning from people with lived experience of surviving our asylum system is a key principle underpinning our work.

Supporting host families and Ukrainian guests

Lewes Refugee Support Group can help guests with: 

  • Language learning either in small groups or one-to-one tuition
  • Costs of books and exam fees for English language courses/tuition
  • Cost of basic household goods if you are moving into rented accommodation

If you need help with these, email us at: info@losras.org

Host families: do contact us if you have concerns and we will try and help or signpost you to the right support, however we cannot arrange any accommodation or moves or new hosts. Email us at: info@losras.org

East Sussex County Council provides support and contacts for Hosts and Guests of HFU:


If you are a Ukrainian guest and trying to find a host – please read this information which lists possible organisations to contact.

There is a desperate need for hosts for Ukrainian guests; if you are interested in hosting a guest or guests, please contact:


Support for young people

Sussex Community Development Association (SCDA) funded by ESCC are offering a social prescribing approach to provide Ukrainian children and young people aged 5-16, living in East Sussex, access to funded positive activities of their choosing. The activities aim to help young people make personal progress, to improve emotional wellbeing, confidence and friendships. Referrals can be made by parents, teachers or support practitioners.

For more information please use this link:

STEP Ukraine

STEP Ukraine is a free, 12-week intensive, virtual programme run in partnership with the British Council and funded by the UK Government. It offers English language and Employment Support to Ukrainians in the UK:

  • An intensive 10 weeks of 2.5 hour daily English classes by the British Council, with options to take the lessons morning, afternoon or evening.
  • 12 weeks of weekly employment support with a dedicated employment advisor, to support with: CV writing, job applications, interview prep, support with job search, and specialist workshops
  • All classes are remote, and teacher led. They are streamed so all classmates are at a similar level.

For further information in English or Ukrainian, please use this link where you can apply, by completing the STEP Ukraine referral form.

urgent dental help

If you need urgent dental care and cannot find a dentist, the Sussex Dental Helpline can book you an urgent appointment with a NHS dentist. For information please call 0300 123 1663 or alternatively, email: kcht.dentalhelpdesk@nhs.net for more information.

If you need help with a referral, please contact us: info@losras.org

Supporting Ukrainian Refugees


Raising awareness​​ / Campaigning​​ / Providing local support

LOSRAS - raise awareness icon


We raise awareness of issues relating to asylum seekers and refugees by holding open meetings, a regular newsletter, street stalls and work in schools.

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As well as supporting national campaigns we also lobby our MP, organise local events and demonstrations and actively join with other like-minded, local campaign groups.

LOSRAS - local support icon

LOCAL Support

We have a committed group of volunteers who visit refugee families and individuals, providing language and other support. We also co-ordinate a group of prison-visitors.


Key dates for your diary

LOSRAS - flyer final

March for racial justice and equality

Saturday march 22nd


See above e poster for information about the Lewes District Anti-Racism Alliance rally on March 22nd starting at 10.00 from Newhaven Bridge. This marks the UN international day to eliminate racial discrimination.

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LOSRAS - losras logo green


Become a member

We are a membership organisation and welcome new members who share our aims.


We rely on a body of volunteers who fulfil specific roles in the organisation.


All money donated goes directly to fund the work of the charity. We are all volunteers and have no paid staff.



We produce a regular newsletter with updates on issues and events both local and national.

Read our recent newsletters below:

Annual report

The Annual Report for 2021-2022 is available.



Regular open meetings are held with invited speakers.

See upcoming events for details.

We find ourselves in deeply disturbing times. 

As a member of the 200 strong coalition, ‘Together With Refugees’, LOSRAS has signed the following joint statement:

As organisations based across the UK working with refugees and migrants, we are deeply shocked and devastated by these horrific acts of violence. Racism, Islamophobia and hatred against migrants have no place in our country.

We stand in solidarity with the men, women and children affected, many of whom have already fled unimaginable horrors to try to find safety. And we stand together as a sector and with our communities to offer support. We know that these views and acts of violence do not represent the vast majority of people in this country.

It is right that the government has clearly condemned these attacks.  But we urgently need action, today, to ensure that local authorities have the right resources to properly protect those under threat of attack in asylum accommodation, refugee service centres and places of worship. 

This moment must mark a turning point, away from the divisive politics, racist rhetoric and demonising language of the past. Now is an opportunity to bring communities and the country together for a different way forward – one that is compassionate and united.

Together with Refugees, August 2024