Join Us

To become a member of LOSRAS, please fill in the form below.

About You

I would like to join or rejoin LOSRAS:(Required)

Your Subscription

Annual membership subscription is renewed each January:

Optional Donation


Your Payment

Please write the total amount that you will be paying in the box below including your subscription and donation (if relevant).

1 – By online transfer to LOSRAS – sort code 30-95-01 – account 03293660. (Please make sure that your name is in the reference box and enter the date of payment above.)

2 – By standing order to the account details above. (Again, please ensure that your name is shown clearly as the reference, and the date, so that your payment can be traced.)

3 – If you prefer to pay by cheque, please send to the Membership Secretary, LOSRAS, c/o Lewes Town Hall, Lewes, BN7 2QS

Payment Options(Required)
Please select one of the boxes below to indicate how you will be paying.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.