Providing Local SupporT

We provide support in the following ways:

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Homes for Ukraine (HfU):

LOSRAS actively supports the HfU initiative locally and helps provide support and guidance to the large number of host families and guests in the Lewes district. An ESCC grant has enabled us to organise a raft of support including the provision of ESOL lessons and one-to-one tuition.

We can refer people to other organisations for support e.g. for food banks and school uniform help, and provide general advice.  Effective liaison has been essential and LOSRAS has been in close communication with Lewes Town and District Councils, ESCC and 3VA in order to update information to host families and their guests.

Image by Trey Musk, Pexels.


LOSRAS has a network of trained volunteers who support the families and individuals who have settled in the Lewes District as part of the government’s Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme, or who have arrived by other means.

The volunteers provide ongoing help and support in myriad different ways according to need. Settling into a new country and adjusting to its culture and systems can be hugely demanding. LOSRAS provides ESOL and subject-based tutoring for school children (Maths and English are often a priority) and help with the everyday challenges of a new life. 

Through our links with other relevant local statutory and non-statutory bodies we are able to signpost people when they need help with negotiating housing, benefits, health care, etc.

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The Foreign National Visitors scheme at HMP Lewes has been running for a number of years. Volunteers visit foreign national prisoners fearful of deportation and, if appropriate, signpost prisoners to Sussex University Migration Law Clinic.

The project has been able to provide the library with materials to support the desperate needs of foreign national prisoners for legal information. Volunteers also provide invaluable social support to prisoners which can help reduce isolation and mental illness.

Training is provided for anyone interested in volunteering.

Image by Savvy Stavrinos, Pexels.


From the funds we raise, we provide small grants to local charities, organisations and individuals.

At the end of the 2022-23 financial year, we were able to give £6,650 in grants to nine organisations.

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The enemy of love is not hate, it is indifference. The enemy of love is turning away from those in need. The enemy of love is doing nothing when you can help your fellow man.” 

Gulwali Passerlay